How to mount virtualbox shared folder on Ubuntu server 10.04 + GUI/sbin/mount.vboxsf mouning failed with error: no such device



i'm new to this forum but i've been a occasional vbox user. I had windows 7 host and ubuntu 9.10 guest which works fine with vboxadditions installed, share folder and everything perfect. Now for some simulations i needed to have the ubuntu server 10.04 intall with x-window. what i did and so far so good.

now the problem i'm having now is that for the server i seem not to be able to mount a share folder.following the same process :

-install dkms
-mount the vboxadditions iso in the host virtual drive and have it mounted in the guest as well
-install vboxadditions (sudo sh ./
-restart the guest os
- created ubuntu_share folder under /media/ubuntu_share

any time i'm trying to mount the folder ubuntu_share on my drive D (D:/Ubuntu_Share) with this command :

 mount -t vboxsf ubuntu_share /media/ubuntu_share

i always get :

/sbin/mount.vboxsf mouning failed with error: no such device

locate mount.vboxsf output this:

is there any problem with ubuntu server 10.04? or i'm just missing the mark somewhere? thanks for reading this and helping me out.

도움이 되었습니까?

해결책 2

i've found out that the kernel version and the kernel headers version were different.I got latest kernel and kernel headers from synapic and rebuilt the Guest fine.thanks for at least reading :D

다른 팁

On Ubuntu, I still couldn't get it to mount even after installing the guest additions. These two commands fixed it for me:

    apt-get install dkms
    /etc/init.d/vboxadd setup

Good luck.

The following command worked for me -

modprobe -a vboxguest vboxsf vboxvideo

I am unsure but I think this uses the VirtualBox shared folders kernel module to redetect the available share. Credit to the following link -

VirtualBox: mount.vboxsf: mounting failed with the error: No such device

Some important detail. Before installing VirtualBox guest additions, ensure you've done this:

sudo apt-get install make gcc

I solved this problem by installing the guest additions from the ubuntu repository.

Even though I already had guest additions installed, installing it again (the exact same version) fixed it.

I had the same thing on Ubuntu Lucid, and I used VirtualBox 4.1.12.

Try to find a shell script in VirtualBox additions CD-ROM, it is called VBoxLinuxAdditions****.run

I have resolved this issue by running sudo ./

It was like James A Wilson has done.

Try this for OpenGL

yum update -y
yum install dkms binutils gcc make patch libgomp glibc-headers glibc-devel kernel-headers kernel-devel -y

#export MAKE='/usr/bin/gmake -i'

I am running VirtualBox 5.1.20, and had a similar issue. Here is a url to where I found the fix, and the fix I implemented:

if [ "5.1.20" == "${VBOXVER}" ]; then
  rm /sbin/mount.vboxsf
  ln -s /usr/lib/VBoxGuestAdditions/mount.vboxsf /sbin/mount.vboxsf

The link had something similar to /usr/lib/VBoxGuestAdditions/other/mount.vboxsf, rather than what I have in the script excerpt.

For a build script I use in vagrant for the additions:

Seems to be a fix at

the folder and the shared folder cant have the same name

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