
Let us see I have a

GSM Modem

connected to a computer that having a valid Static IP Address. Now as a PHP Developer i want to connect to that computer and have to listen the COM1 port. This is what exactly i'm looking for.

Is this possible ?

도움이 되었습니까?

해결책 2

What you are writing about is always done when you hit some page by your browser ;-) Exactly your computer connects to the web server using HTTP protocol. So I guess that you are looking for something like remote desktop over HTTP? So AFAIK you have two options Write your own web server/client software to do this task or you can do some kine of tunneling (if it is just meter of the open ports/protocols).

다른 팁

telnet {remote_computer's_ip_address} 80
telnet> get /
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