
I have the following XML doc segment on one of my methods:

    /// <summary>
    /// Calculates the total charge for hours between the <see cref="StartDateTime"/> and <see cref="EndDateTime"/> of all all the <see cref="VehiclePresence"/> records 
    /// included in the date range defined by <paramref name="startDate"/> and <paramref name="endDate"/>.
    /// </summary>

The <see cref="StartDateTime"/> part renders as [!:StartDateTime]. I would prefer it rendered as a link to the VehiclePresence.StartDatetTime property's documentation, just as the <see cref="VehiclePresence"/> part renders as a link to the VehiclePresence class's documentation.

도움이 되었습니까?


You can use

<see cref="VehiclePresence.StartDateTime"/>

to reference the types in the other namespaces

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