
Yesterday I found myself needing to zoom my Visual Studio text editor and was without a mouse (don't ask). Typically I do this by holding down CTRL and scrolling the mouse wheel. I also couldn't figure out how to tab into the area where you can specify your zoom level in the lower left hand corner of the text editor window.

zoom in the lower left corner of the text editor window

So I guess I have two questions:

  1. Is there a menu setting somewhere that I could have navigated to via the keyboard to set my zoom level?
  2. Even better is there a similar keyboard command to holding CTRL and scrolling the mouse wheel?
도움이 되었습니까?


I don't know if there is a menu option, but there are keyboard shortcuts to set the zoom level.

ctrl+shift+. to Zoom In

ctrl+shift+, to Zoom Out

다른 팁

In my case, ReSharper reassigned Ctrl + Shift + , (aka Ctrl + Shift + < ) to ReSharper's Recent Edits command, and I wanted to reset it back to Visual Studio 2012's zoom out.

To do that, go to Tools -> Options. Under Environment -> Keyboard, remove the Ctrl + Shift + , hotkey from the ReSharper.ReSharper_GoToRecentEdits command (or any other commands), and assign the View.ZoomOut command back to Ctrl + Shift + , (use either Global or TextEditor mode).

Visual Studio Code Linux keyboard shortcuts for zoom in/out:

  • in: Ctrl + =
  • out: Ctrl + -

Visual Studio Code Linux keyboard shortcuts

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