How can i get WWDC10 sample code? (104. Designing Apps with Scroll Views) [closed]


  •  29-09-2019
  •  | 


i saw WWDC10 session "104, Designing Apps with Scroll Views".

and i want get sample code using demo. but i can't find it.

i found "ScrollViewSuite" but it's not same demo.

it's not provided?

도움이 되었습니까?


  • Login to with your Apple developer ID.

  • Click on videos.

  • Choose any one of the option HD/Standerd to view in iTunes.

  • In iTunes you can find the link at Bottom right to the Sample code

You can find all WWDC 2010 sample code there

EDIT: Sample code is under wwdc10samplecode\WWDC10-SampleCode\iOS\PhotoScroll

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