
I have a web site mvc4 c# using elmah error logging. in my web config I declared email send on error from elmah and error filtering in code in global.asax :

void ErrorLog_Filtering(object sender, ExceptionFilterEventArgs e)
    if (e.Exception.GetBaseException() is InvalidOperationException)
       if (e.Exception.Message.StartsWith("The connection id is in the incorrect format"))

when I go to my http://mydomain/elmah.axd I see no more errors that got filtered. but I get them to mail.

i.e - if the application has error ""The connection id is in the incorrect format" ,I get notify on email by elmah, and I don't want to be notify ... is there a way to filter it also in mail notifications ?

도움이 되었습니까?


I had the same issue. You have to define a second function to filter out the Emails separately. The signature of this function is:

void ErrorMail_Filtering(object sender, ExceptionFilterEventArgs e)

Calling e.Dismiss() within this method will prevent the Exception from being e-mailed.

See https://code.google.com/p/elmah/wiki/ErrorFiltering

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