
I have a 2 tables in SQL Server in which there are multiple locations for a name, all I need to do is to club locations into one cell for that names.

Table 1

Table 2
Name Location
H    Delhi
H    Mumbai
H    Hyderabad
I    Chennai
I    Delhi

Now after applying join the result should be as follows

Name Location
H    Delhi, Mumbai, Hyderabad
I    Chennai, Delhi

Please help me out in this asap.

도움이 되었습니까?

해결책 2

Hi I just realised that u need two tables just a few alteration in the code, check the code below

    Create table #temp1
    Name varchar(10) 


    Create table #temp2
    Name varchar(10),
    Location varchar(100)

    Insert into #temp1
    values ('h' ),('I' )

    Insert into #temp2
    values ('h','delhi'),

    Select *from #temp1
    Select *from #temp2

    select t.Name,
        STUFF((   SELECT ', ' +te.Location
            FROM #temp2 te
            WHERE T.Name = te.Name
            FOR XML PATH ('')
        ),1,1,'') as Location
    from #temp1  t
    group by t.Name 

   DROP TABLE #temp1;

 DROP TABLE #temp2;

다른 팁

Check this code , You can use the xml path for concatenation purpose

              DROP TABLE #temp;
    Create table #temp
    Name varchar(10),
    Location varchar(100)

    Insert into #temp
    values ('h','delhi'),

    select t.Name,
        STUFF((   SELECT ', ' +te.Location
            FROM #temp te
            WHERE T.Name = te.Name
            FOR XML PATH ('')
        ),1,1,'') as Location
    from #temp  t
    group by t.Name

Result Set

Name Location

h delhi, Mumbai, Hyderabad

I Chennai, Delhi

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