
i'm doing a school gaming project and i am trying to create a list of players using SignalR and javascript.

this is my code

hub.client.printOutPlayerList = function (userName, userID)
        $("#playerlist ul").append("<li>" + '@(Html.ActionLink(userName, "Profile", "Profile", new { id = userID }, null);)' + "</li>");

this function is suppose to take in javascript variables userName and userID but the actionlink doesnt seem to recognize userName and userID

what can i do ?

도움이 되었습니까?


You could do this:

hub.client.printOutPlayerList = function (userName, userID)
    var link = '<a href="/Profile/Profile/' + userID + '">' + userName + '</a>';
    $("#playerlist ul").append('<li>' + link + '</li>');
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