
In Windows Store application I can use:


But replacing Debug with Trace gives the following error: CS0103: The name 'Trace' does not exist in the current context How can I fix this?

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WinRT doesn't have Trace, and it lacks trace listeners. Debug.WriteLine is the best you can do without resorting to something 3rd party like metrolog.

다른 팁

If your problem is lots of existing code referring to Trace. you could alias Debug as Trace with

using Trace = System.Diagnostics.Debug;

I solved this by setting the Target and Min version respectively to Fall Creators Update (build 16299) and November Update (build 10586). A too early Min version (15063) seems not to contain Trace.

Maybe I misunderstand about UWP/WinRT from the accepted answer that warns about missing trace listeners (maybe it was true at the time of asking/answering). But by nugetting the package System.Diagnostics.TextWriterTraceListener I got a listener that dumps traces into a file.

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