
I'm attempting to populate a DB on my local SQL2008 Server using a Data Generation Plan. However, when I run it I get:

Data generation failed because of the following exception: Timeout expired. The timeout period elapsed prior to completion of the operation or the server is not responding.. occurred 1 time(s).

I've tried setting the Connection timeout setting in the Advanced connection properties to 120 instead of 15, but I still get the error.

How do I fix this problem?

There are roughly 40 tables involved and about 20 of those are getting 100 rows inserted while, 10 tables ~1000 rows and the rest less than 100 rows. Also, when I exclude the trouble table the script completes successfully.


도움이 되었습니까?


Go to Tools menu > Options > Database Tools > Data Generator > SQL Timeout

You may have to restart Visual Studio for the change to take effect, at least I had to.

There are also other timeout values that can be configured via the Registry (QueryTimeoutSeconds, LongRunningQueryTimeoutSeoncds, LockTimeoutSeconds) though I don't understand the difference. See here.

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