
When I add article in Korean language with title e.g.: 신품

FriendlyID gem creates blank slug and url is like /8 ... so this is ID. Look at this link: http://www.srecipe.kr.com/articles/8

Other languages work.

How can I get url which is mapped to latin letters like /this-is-url from 신품 ?

도움이 되었습니까?


Like all of these permalink solutions, friendly ID uses the parameterize method to convert a string into a URL safe string. like so:

require 'active_support/all'
puts "Oh Hai There".parameterize
=> oh-hai-there

The problem comes in when you use non ASCII strings, which parameterize replaces with an empty string, causing your problem:

# encoding: UTF-8
require 'active_support/all'
puts "신품".parameterize

ActiveSupport provides a way to change non ASCII strings to a close approximate via the transliterate method.

# encoding: UTF-8
require 'active_support/all'
include ActiveSupport::Inflector

puts transliterate("Ærøskøbing")
=> AEroskobing

But, if it doesn't know about a character, it'll default to ??

# encoding: UTF-8
require 'active_support/all'
include ActiveSupport::Inflector

puts transliterate "신품"
=> ??

But, you can tell transliterate how to handle the characters. So in a Rails model

# Store the transliterations in locales/en.yml
        신: "abc"
        품: "def"

puts transliterate "신품"
=> "abcdef"

So, you can use transliterate(title).parameterize instead of just parameterize. And if you get the korean alphabet into transliterate section, you're close to golden.

다른 팁

Not tried these yet but I'm going to:

I'll report back when I've tried them.

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