
First time working with strict type language and having some problems.

Data fetched from MySQL adapter fills a DataTable object.
Column types remains the same as in MySQL table.

Initiating NPOI, creating xls sheet. Next step is writing data in loop. And here is the problem.


Method SetCellValue has overloadings for all needed types, but can it guess for more appropriate overloading automaticly? Am i missing something?

Converting all values to strings cant help because i need number formating in sheet.
Technically this code works, im looking for right way of handling this.

도움이 되었습니까?


You can defer the overload resolution to the runtime by using the dynamic keyword:

foreach (DataColumn column in data.Columns)
    ICell cell = dataRow.CreateCell(column.Ordinal);

Please note that this will fail with a runtime exception if there is no matching overload.

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