
I have a C++ GUI, it load a DLL when running. I use SIP to import the DLL in python. I need to embed the python part in the GUI, and some data are needed to exchange between python and C++.

For example, in the C++ GUI, I can enter command from a panel, such as "drawSomething()", it will call corresponding function in python, and the result will be shown in the GUI.

Can I use SIP to extract a C++ object from python object (just like the way boost.python does), or is there a better way to share data between python and c++ seamlessly?


도움이 되었습니까?


It turns out that I do not need to do anything complicated... In my case, there is no difference to call functions in DLL from C++ or from python code embedded in C++. I am totally over-thinked.

다른 팁

Please take a look at this Library


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