
Back in April I was listening to Herding Code episode 77 about MvcContrib.

There Eric Hexter announced UI Testing Helpers as a big upcoming feature.

Now several months later I was searching the web for any information about UI testing with MvcContrib. Unfortunately I found almost nothing:

This sneek peek: http://codepaste.net/cw8ie4

And this (abandoned?) code on github: http://github.com/mvccontrib/MvcContrib/tree/master/src/MvcContrib.TestHelper/MvcContrib.TestHelper/Ui/

So I was wondering what is the current state of UI testing support in MvcContrib? Is there any active development? Is anybody using them? Have they be abandoned? Why?

Thanks for any hints.

도움이 되었습니까?


MvcContrib.TestHelpers.dll (and a WatiN driver) is included in the latest release of MvcContrib (in the MVCContrib.Extras.release.zip)

MvcContrib is currently being developed on Codeplex. The github repository is deprecated.

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