
I want to get connection string components from a string containing the conn string.

It is pretty simple to get Database, Sql Instance , Username and Password using a SqlConnectionStringBuilder, like this:

SqlConnectionStringBuilder cb = new SqlConnectionStringBuilder(cString);
this.textBoxUsername.Text = this.UserName = cb.UserID;
this.textBoxPassword.Text = this.Password = cb.Password;

My problem is that i want to get the TrustedConnection also, and i don't know how to do it.

Having the conn string "Server=Me\SQLEXPRESS;Database=AWEBL; Connection Timeout = 30;" Trusted_Connection=True;" , is it any other way than parsing the cString (connection string) to get the Trusted_Connection property ?

Thank you!

도움이 되었습니까?



cb["Trusted_Connection"] = true;


var trustedConnection = cb["Trusted_Connection"];
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