
I recently updated my version of eclipse from 3.6 to 3.7 (Using Mac OS X 10.6.8 & Eclipse 3.7). I did this to install EGit. Since, then I have noticed that none of the changes to my App are being reflected in my AVD's.

When setting up EGit I realized that it had moved my working location to another location on my system. I figured this might be the issue, so I removed my EGit repository and restored my App from a backup. The problem continue leading me to believe the problem likely lies (I could be wrong) with the upgrade to Eclipse 3.7.

I have tried many other things, but none seem to work. So far I have..

Uninstalled my App from the AVD, and then re-ran application. This made no difference. I have tried creating a new fresh AVD. Same deal here, same un-change version of app is applied. I tried stop and restarting the adb. I have tried to 'Clean up' the Project.

All attempts so far have failed.

Has anyone else out there seen this problem or have any suggestions?
I think the next thing I might try is updating my Android plug-ins. If this fails I Afraid my next option is to uninstall Eclipse completely and start from scratch.

Any suggestions would be great.

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I solved the problem.

My guess of updating the Android SDK was correct. In Elipse I went to Window -> Android SDK Manager. I installed the available updates: Android SDK Tools 22.0.1, Android SDK Platform-Tools 17, Android SDK Build Tools 17. After the install restarted Eclipse and then boom! My AVD was back and showing my newest changes. Hope this helps some one.

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