
Trying to get all titles from http://www.112.ru/services/wanted/people/index.shtml?roztype=1 using Yahoo Pipes Xfetch module.

My query //span[@class='uchbold'] select all titles in Firepath successfully. But in Yahoo Pipes and Hpple there is no results.

도움이 되었습니까?


These class attributes are inserted by a JavaScript which isn't executed using Yahoo Pipes and Hpple.

Also the contents are loaded by ajax, you will have to trace the ajax calls and develop against this interface.

Using Firebug I could trace it loading


and lots of other "contents.xml" files which returned 404 errors. It contains contents in form of elements like

<view file="0901156380089d71_0508.01_00_01.full.shtml" format="full" indexed="true"/>

which seem to link again to some HTML snippets containing the actual data.

라이센스 : CC-BY-SA ~와 함께 속성
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