
When I work with JAI from the Eclipse (all the classes specified) it works very fine, but when I bundle everything in a jar and make a shell script file from that and try to run that script I have a problem with javax.media.jai.OperationRegistry looking for a initialization file.

Has anyone else seen this problem?


java.lang.RuntimeException: Registry initialization file not found.
at javax.media.jai.JAI.(JAI.java:566)

There is something on this page but I was not able to understand.

Any Help?

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So the problem is that the JAI jar exported with the Java application do not work on the Linux. We have to explicitly install JAI on the Linux machine for the installed Java application to use.

The one solution that we found out is we exported our Java Application into a jar file and created a installation script, which when run on the Linux machine install the JAI first and after that it install our application.

So this is a one time installation process while installing the application on any fresh Linux machine.

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