
I have a stored procedure that I'm converting to LINQ, but I'm a little stuck. Here's the SQL:

      @name                             = tp.Name
,     @Entity                           = tc.Entity
,     @Name                             = tc.Name
,     @ID                               =  tpt.ID
,     @Code                             =  tptr.Code  

    from tbltprop tp 

    Left join tblcol tc                                on ( tc.id = tp.ID )
    Left join tblPropday  tpt               on ( tpt.Id = tp.Id )
    Left join tblProperResult tptr   on (tptr.ID = tpt.Id )

    where tp.id               = @chsarpID1 //input ID i get in c#
    and     tpt.Id = @chsarpID2

I understand how to do a single join, but I'm having some trouble making a multiple join work. How would one go about this?

도움이 되었습니까?


This might help you.......

var values= from tp in tbltprop
            join tb in tblcol ON tp.id equals tb.id into gj
            from gjd in gj.DefaultIfEmpty()
            join tpt in tblPropday ON tp.id equals tpt.id into gk
            from gkd in gk.DefaultIfEmpty()
            join tptr in tblProperResult ON tp.id equals tptr.id into gl
            from gld in gl.DefaultIfEmpty()
            where tp.id == @charpID1 && gkd.Id == @CharpID2
            select new 
                       TpName = tp.Name, 
                       Entity = gjd.Entity, 
                       TPTName = gjd.Name, 
                       ID = gkd.ID, 
                       Code = gld.Code
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