
I am following steps listed for Broadleaf 3.0 from the link.

Using the Eclipse-workspace with M2E plugin, I tried Maven Update Project and refresh. However, the maven multi-module projects have unresolved build errors:

Description Resource    Path    Location    Type
Missing artifact org.eclipse.equinox:registry:jar:3.3.1 pom.xml /core   line 3  Maven Dependency Problem
Missing artifact org.eclipse.core:jobs:jar:3.3.1    pom.xml /admin  line 3  Maven Dependency Problem
Missing artifact org.eclipse.core:jobs:jar:3.3.1    pom.xml /core   line 3  Maven Dependency Problem
Missing artifact org.eclipse.equinox:registry:jar:3.3.1 pom.xml /site   line 3  Maven Dependency Problem
Missing artifact org.eclipse.core:jobs:jar:3.3.1    pom.xml /site   line 3  Maven Dependency Problem
Missing artifact org.eclipse.equinox:registry:jar:3.3.1 pom.xml /admin  line 3  Maven Dependency Problem

I am using STS v3.2.0( I even tried with Eclipse Kepler version, same issue). No build problems were present when using previous Broadleaf version 2.2.

I also searched maven repository for missing jars: here and here but errors are unresolved.

도움이 되었습니까?

해결책 2

I employed a dirty and hacky workaround to fix Maven Build issues.

I had to manually download the closest version missing jars from maven repository, change versioning of jars in maven install command. For example:

The only available version for jar org.eclipse.equinox.common is v3.6.0.v20100503 present here:

Then install artifact with required version(v3.3.0) using maven command in following way:

mvn install:install-file -Dfile=~/Downloads/org.eclipse.equinox.common-3.6.0.v20100503.jar -DgroupId=org.eclipse.equinox -DartifactId=common -Dversion=3.3.0 -Dpackaging=jar

Please note you will have to download/install 5-6 jars in this manner.

I got the demo site and admin to work so far with no errors. Thus, the jar version mismatch hasn't impacted the Broadleaf Demo, atleast for now.

다른 팁

Is this still an issue for you? I see all three of those depdencies as available on Maven central as seen here:

If you make sure that you're not using a mirror of Maven central that doesn't have those JARs available, it should pull down if you run mvn install -U

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