
In this article Avoid Null Checks by replacing finders with tellers the author gives a Ruby example to avoid null checking, if the object is returned the block is run, if not then it isn't.

 data_source.person(id) do |person|
  person.phone_number = phone_number
  data_source.update_person person

I'd like to do the same thing in C# using a lambda function but am having trouble coming up with an example that does the same type of thing. Would you create the object factory to accept the id number and also a lambda function?

도움이 되었습니까?


Well I don't know Ruby and don't understand the exact example given, but I suspect it would be something like:

dataSource.Update(id, person => person.PhoneNumber = phoneNumber);

Where DataSource.Update would:

  • Have a signature of something like void Update(string id, Action<Person> updateAction (or possibly return a bool to indicate whether or not it found the person)
  • Be implemented as:
    • Find the person with the given ID
    • If it doesn't exist, return immediately
    • Otherwise, execute the given action, and update the backing store with the modified object

Or more generally (and closer to the original Ruby):

dataSource.WithPerson(id, person => {
    person.PhoneNumber = phoneNumber;

Personally I prefer the first form: it's more specific about what it's trying to achieve, but that may well lend itself to a better implementation, and it's certainly cleaner in the calling code.

다른 팁

An alternative approach would be to use the Maybe monad.

This would allow you to keep your existing API as is, i.e. you can still have a dataSource.GetPersonById(id).

Code that uses the Maybe monad looks like this:

          .Do(person => {
                            person.PhoneNumber = phoneNumber;

To be able to use the Maybe monad you would need to have the code in the following paragraph.
The base for it has been the code from the linked blog post by Daniel Earwicker.
I extended it to add the Maybe extension method and made it compile.

public struct MaybeMonad<T> where T : class
    private readonly T _value;

    public MaybeMonad(T value)
        _value = value;

    public MaybeMonad<TResult> Select<TResult>(Func<T, TResult> getter)
        where TResult : class
        var result = (_value == null) ? null : getter(_value);
        return new MaybeMonad<TResult>(result);

    public TResult Select<TResult>(Func<T, TResult> getter,
                                   TResult alternative)
        return (_value == null) ? alternative : getter(_value);

    public void Do(Action<T> action)
        if (_value != null)

public static class Maybe
    public static MaybeMonad<T> From<T>(T value) where T : class
        return new MaybeMonad<T>(value);

public static class MaybeMonadExtensions
    public static MaybeMonad<T> Maybe<T>(this T value) where T : class
        return new MaybeMonad<T>(value);
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