
Has anyone ever setup lib haru on the iPhone and can tell me how to get it to work. I know there is a sample project on github (http://github.com/akisute/iPhonePDF) which uses the haru lib for creating a pdf. But I just can not figure out how to get the library to work.

What I did so far:

  • First I copied the support folder of the sample project on github
  • I added the two static libraries haru and png.
  • Then I added the linked libraries for both.
  • I also added the framework libz

When I try building it, I get the error can not find library -lharu

Do I need to install it first, I really do not have any clue? I never tried to include a C Library into my iPhone project before.

Thanks a lot for any kind of hint.

도움이 되었습니까?


I've just installed it in XCode 4:

  • In the iPhonePDF's folder downloaded from http://github.com/akisute/iPhonePDF you have a support folder with the libharu and the libpng folders inside. The trick here is the files you copy to your project. Delete the script files and, specially, the file named pngtest.c from the libpng folder.

  • Once you have the folders "clean", you can add them to your project and it will compile.

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