
I have the following code which an object (rmodal) is created.

That is class has a polymorphic association with a few other classes (cmodal, umodal, ccmodal, pmodal, emodal)

The creation of rmodal has a form with a hidden field that include its type (cmodal, umodal, etc) and its ID (r_id)

Is the following code sufficiently secured? brakeman currently notes that this line could result in remote code exectuion

 @r_type = params[:r].delete :r_type

 if (%w(cmodal umodal ccmodal pmodal emodal).include? @r_type)

      @rmodal = @r_type.classify.constantize.find(@r_id) rescue nil

I am guessing, that since I am checking that r_type is one of the acceptable choices that it is fine.

Is this the right way to do this and is it secure enough?

도움이 되었습니까?


Since you are limiting the input to a whitelist of known values, I would consider this secure. Brakeman currently cannot tell that you are using a guard statement, so it warns about turning user input (params[:r]) into a class name, but in this case I would consider it a false positive.

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