
I create my contexts by dropping [myname].xml files in the contexts/ directory but in my CFML code I want to dynamically find the value of [myname], ie the name of the context/webapp (or failing that the filename of the xml file or the original value of the resourceBase property before path translation occurs).

I can get data about the context (like the array of virtualhosts) using the object returned from getPageContext().getConfig().getServletContext().getContextHandler().getCurrentWebAppContext() but if the context name is in there I haven't worked out how to get at it.

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Use getDisplayName on that object you have?

It defaults to null (would be useful if it was the filename), but you can specify it in the context XML file with <Set name="DisplayName">bob</Set>

(If you have lots of XML files to deal with, do a script to loop through each file and plonk that with the filename inside the Configure tag.)

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