
I want to run java class in my python code and I use the tool JPype. I have a java method with a boolean argument. It works in java code but when I call it in python, I get the error message:

RuntimeError: No matching overloads found. at src/native/common/jp_method.cpp:121

I even use the jpype wrapper JBoolean, but it still fails. For example, the code in java is:


and I have tried to convert it in python as:


but all of above get the same error message. Could anyone help me to convert the boolean argument from python to java?? thank you!!

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Is the argument of your Java method defined as a boolean or a java.lang.Boolean?

If it is boolean, then all the possibilities you have tried should work (if not there might be something wrong with the way you import the Class in your Python code). However, if it's a java.lang.Boolean, then you have to call your method as such:

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