
I'd like to give GAE Testbed a try, but am running into the following error after completing the instructions on its homepage.

$ nosetests --with-gae
ImportError: No module named dev_appserver

I've confirmed that this happens in both a virtualenv and outside of one.

도움이 되었습니까?

해결책 2

Resolved by adding google_appengine directory to PYTHONPATH.

다른 팁

Use the --gae-lib-root option as in

$ nosetests --with-gae --gae-lib-root=/opt/my/google_appengine

Solved with these parameters:

  • --with-gae
  • --gae-lib-root="C:\Program Files\Google\google_appengine"

No backslash at the end of the GAE path and quotes.

This can also be solved on Linux by creating a sym link to the directory the plugin expects to find google-appengine, which is /usr/local/google_appengine . It's mentioned briefly at the top of the overview on this page here: http://farmdev.com/projects/nosegae/

 sudo ln -s /home/username/google_appengine /usr/local/google_appengine
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