
Using the sample app for rpx_now gem ( http://github.com/grosser/rpx_now_example) on localhost:3000, I have successfully logged in via Google Accounts, myOpenID, Yahoo, but cannot make it via Facebook.

In the RPX app/widget settings I have set my facebook-app key and secret. In my facebook app settings, the Connect URL is myappname.rpxnow.com. But when I try to connect, then I don't even see a facebook login page, just a number of redirects and I am back to my localhost with the following exception http://gist.github.com/386520 .

Before I was successfully connecting with oauth2 gem, however, without fetching user data - only authentication. That time I set only key/secret and localhost as my Connect URL. Currently, I don't even ask for email etc., but still the same problem.

Can it happen because rpx_now cannot get requested user data from facebook? Or it is a problem of facebook key/secret? May be I need to provide more settings of my facebook app?

RPXNow::ApiError in UsersController#create

Got error: Invalid parameter: token (code: 1), HTTP status: 200
RAILS_ROOT: /home/Andrei/rpx_now_example

Application Trace | Framework Trace | Full Trace
/usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/rpx_now-0.6.20/lib/rpx_now/api.rb:71:in `parse_response'
/usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/rpx_now-0.6.20/lib/rpx_now/api.rb:21:in `call'
/usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/rpx_now-0.6.20/lib/rpx_now.rb:23:in `user_data'
/home/Andrei/rpx_now_example/app/controllers/users_controller.rb:16:in `create'


Show session dump



도움이 되었습니까?


In order to solve it, one needs to go to Facebook application, click "Edit Settings", select "Migrations" on the left column and toggle "New Data Permissions" to disabled. There is a comment next to this parameter: Enable the new data permissions and the new permissions dialog. (Migration ends on: June 1, 2010)

So, I guess one needs to update rpx_now gem to work with the new interface.

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