
i use the code below to calculate the Euclidean distance for two rgb images:

Im1 = imread(filename1);
Im1 = rgb2gray(Im1);
hn1 = imhist(Im1)./numel(Im1);
Im2 = imread(filename2);
Im2 = rgb2gray(Im2);
hn2 = imhist(Im2)./numel(Im2);
 f = norm(hn1-hn2);

and it gives me the correct answer
but now i want to use the code for two images in hsv color mode but it wont work on it
cause all of the above code is in a 2d space while hsv is 1d
is there any specific code for calculating Euclidean distance of two image in hsv color space? the images format are jpeg

도움이 되었습니까?


You need to create a histogram for each channel seperatetly

function hst = im2hsvHist( img )
% computes three channels histogram in HSV color space
n = 256; % number of bins per hist (per channel)
hsvImg = rgb2hsv( img );
hst = zeros(n,3);
for ci = 1:3 
    hst(:,ci) = imhist( hsvImg(:,:,ci ) , n );
hst = hst(:) ./ n; % to 3*n vector, normalize by n and not 3n

Using this function you can compute the image to image distance in hsv space

Im1 = imread(filename1);
hst1 = im2hsvHist(Im1);
Im2 = imread(filename2);
hst2 = im2hsvDist(Im2);
f = norm( hst1 - hst2 );

Sneak a peek for a vectorized version of im2hsvHist:

n = 256;
hsvImg = rgb2hsv( img );
hst = hist( reshape(hsvImg, [], 3), 255 ); % instead of loop!
hst = hst(:) / n;

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