
I have been working with winapi just a little bit, making a project with owner draw on menus. When I called GetMenuItemInfo, it sets the text of the menu item, but not the fType UINT variable flags.
Currently I have declared:

MenuItem->fMask = MIIM_TYPE

And MSDN says:

MIIM_TYPE Retrieves or sets the fType and dwTypeData members.

I don't know If I got confused with the MIIM_TYPE flag.

Here is my code:

void SetOwnerDrawMenu(HMENU * menu)
MENUIF * menu_item_information;
HMENU sub_menu_ocational;

UINT uId_menuitem;
int nMenuCountItems = GetMenuItemCount(*menu);


for(int i=0;i<nMenuCountItems;i++)

    menu_item_information = (MENUIF*)malloc(sizeof(MENUIF));
    sub_menu_ocational = 0;
    uId_menuitem = GetMenuItemID(*menu,i);
    MenuItem = (MENUITEMINFO*)malloc(sizeof(MENUITEMINFO));
    MenuItem->cbSize = sizeof(MenuItem);
    MenuItem->fMask = MIIM_TYPE;
    MenuItem->cch = MAX_ODM_CCH;
    MenuItem->dwTypeData = menu_item_information->szItemText;



    if( ( MFT_SEPARATOR & MenuItem->fType ) == MFT_SEPARATOR )
        final_flags |= MF_SEPARATOR;
        menu_item_information->isSeparator = true;
        // Not important stuff

    sub_menu_ocational = GetSubMenu(*menu,i);

        // We got a submenu, repeat this operation

I am inserting the menus with the InsertMenu function:

InsertMenu(tid_cmenu,0,MF_BYPOSITION | MF_SEPARATOR,0,NULL);
InsertMenu(tid_cmenu,0, MF_BYPOSITION | MF_STRING, TID_EXIT, "Exit");

Exactly, why the GetMenuItemInfo is not retriving the fType?

도움이 되었습니까?

해결책 2

Ok. The problem is not syntax or memory size errors. It is more like 'logic' error and a silly mistake.

The ModifyMenu was changing all the menu items and setting the fType of each one to NULL or setting the MF_SEPARATOR to all of the items.

That happened because the fourth argument of the ModifyMenu should be the ID of the menu item, I was declaring it as 0.

I changed that argument to the real ID of the menu Item using the GetMenuItemID return value inside the uId_menuitem variable and passing it to the fourth argument of ModifyMenu. That fixed the problem.


다른 팁

If you were checking the return code from GetMenuItemInfo you would see that it is failing. Your error is in this line:

MenuItem->cbSize = sizeof(MenuItem);

The MENUITEMINFO::cbSize member is supposed to be set to the size of a MENUITEMINFO structure, but you are setting it to the size of a MENUITEMINFO* pointer (i.e. 4 or 8 bytes, depending on the platform).

Change your code to:

MenuItem->cbSize = sizeof(MENUITEMINFO);

Also, your code is allocating MenuItem outside the loop, as well as once per-iteration inside the loop, so you are leaking memory.

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