Reading the payload data inside out sequence for binary relay in wso2esb 4.0.3


  •  04-06-2022
  •  | 


We have a proxy service(ESB 4.0.3) that reads from JMS queue (JMS 1.0) and calls a rest service .We are using binary relay for application/json using binary builder and formatter in axis2.xml

    <messageBuilder contentType="application/json"
    <messageFormatter contentType="application/json"

This backend rest service returns an identifier and this has to be processed in the out sequence of the proxy service.Now the challenge here is to read the response which is a binary payload in the ESB sequence and capture that response identifier.

How to read the binary data in the out sequence of WSO2 ESB 4.0.3?

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You can use builder mediator, which is used to build the message

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