
Following code is an example of text placed into a textarea from a database.

<textarea id="inputPane" cols="80" rows="40" class="pane">
    some text here...
    more text here...

using jQuery's .trim what is the actual jquery code to remove all leading and trailing whitespace and have the textarea display very similar to below?

<textarea id="inputPane" cols="80" rows="40" class="pane">
    <p>some text here...</p>
    <p>more text here...</p>

I've worked on this for hours with no success trying varying combinations with .trim

도움이 되었습니까?


You could try something like this:

jQuery(function(​$) {
    var pane = $('#inputPane');
    pane.val($.trim(pane.val()).replace(/\s*[\r\n]+\s*/g, '\n')
                               .replace(/(<[^\/][^>]*>)\s*/g, '$1')
                               .replace(/\s*(<\/[^>]+>)/g, '$1'));

Which gives the result:

<p>some text here...</p>
<p>more text here...</p>

Though this may not be bulletproof, it should prove to be much faster/more efficient than creating elements from the HTML value of the textarea.

다른 팁

Try this:

var $input = $('#inputPane');

var $container = $('<div>').html( $input.val() );

$('*', $container).text( function(i,txt) {
    return $.trim( txt );

$input.val( $container.html() );

It turns the content of the textarea into elements, walks through them and trims the content, then inserts the resulting HTML back into the textarea.

EDIT: Modified to use .val() instead of .text() as noted by @bobince

jQuery.trim() will remove leading and trailing whitespace from the entire string -- in this case, before the first <p> and after the last </p>. You want something more complex, which is to remove whitespace between certain tags. This is not necessarily easy, but could (perhaps!) be accomplished with a regular expression, for example:

// assuming val is the textarea contents:
val = val.replace(/>\s*</, '><').replace(/\s+$/, '');

DISCLAIMER: This was just quickly put together and may not cover every case.

Get the value, trim the value, set the value:

var value = $('#inputPane').val();
value = $.trim(value);

Or in one line:


This is how I would do it (demo):

    return v.replace(/\s+/g,' ').replace(/>(\s)</g,'>\n<');

You don't need jQuery to Trim leading/trailing whitespace from textarea. You need to code it in 1 line


<textarea id="inputPane" cols="80" rows="40" class="pane">
    <p>some text here...</p>
    <p>more text here...</p>


<textarea id="inputPane" cols="80" rows="40" class="pane"><p>some text here...</p></textarea>
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