
I have following table which carries records.

ID header      value
1  firstname   James
1  lastname    Tulan
2  firstname   Berty
2  lastname    O-Nelly
3  firstname   Ana
3  lastname    Santos

I need to display the records as follows

id firstname    Lastname
1  James        Tulan
2  Berty        O-Nelly
3  Ana          Santos

I tried to use SQL PIVOT function. It didn't work properly. Anyone encountered the same?

도움이 되었습니까?


Assuming the ids in the first table do identify the pairs, you can just do aggregation:

select id,
       max(case when header = 'firstname' then value end) as firstname,
       max(case when header = 'lastname' then value end) as lastname
from t
group by id;
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