
First off, I suspect this isn't going to be easy, because there isn't an entry for calabash-android in the Maven central repository and the calabash-android project doesn't provide one.

That being said, does anyone know how to manage calabash-android tests during a Maven build? Are there any plugins for this? I can't find any, but in the off chance my google-fu has failed me or there's a workaround... I'd love to hear about it.

[edit] I'm using the maven-android plugin for the apk build.

도움이 되었습니까?


I am assuming you are familiar with the Android Maven plugin? If not, you should check it out. Here is a method that is not bulletproof, but should work:

1- Start by writing a shell script that launches the Calabash tests. This shell script, say calabash.sh, wouldn't be too complicated, just something along the lines of:

calabash-android run ../target/<app>.apk /path/to/calabash/tests

2- Launch this script once maven has finished its integration-test phase (if you are using Android Maven, that's when you run your unit tests). This is taken from this SO question:

      <id>Version Calculation</id>
      <phase>validate</phase> //This occurs [after integration-test][3]

This is not a bulletproof solution because I suspect that Maven cannot report any calabash test failures. Also, you might need to add some bash magic to make the script run until completion before Maven finishes building.

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