How to find out which facebook mobile install ad was clicked after installing the promoted iOS app



When a user clicks on a facebook mobile install ad on ios an app store window pops up.

As answered here What happens to an iOS deeplink when the app is not installed? it's not possible to put any custom parameters to be an launch parameter on the first app launch.

Is there a way after the downloaded app was opened and the user logged in with facebook to get information about which ad he clicked befor? Because actually there is a connection between ad, itunes app id, and facebook app id, isn't it?

도움이 되었습니까?


I asked a similar question today. But from the information that I was able to find, that is (most likely) not possible.

Even if your app requires the user to register with Facebook and you therefore you have a FB user Id which could potentially be matched against.. Because Facebook gives you the total install counts only, but not a list of user Ids of FB users who clicked your ad, I really can't imagine how to get that info. Unfortunately.

다른 팁

I think we can use this link to check the Activities done on the FB Ad's.

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