
Maybe I'm not asking (Google) the right questions, but I can't seem to find the "full" answer on how to connect a domain name (which I just bought from namecheap.com) to my web host.

They all say something like "just get the name servers of your web host, add them to the registrar's DNS configuration page, and BAM!, your done.

However, I'm on a shared hosting plan. So if I look up the name servers for:


I find what look like three generic name servers. But my website is located at:


How will those generic name servers be able to identify that I want my website to point to my specific username? Shouldn't there be some configuration on the side of the web host? Do I need to add the connection to my .htaccess file?

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First, set up the generic nameservers in Namecheap to point to your hosts nameservers that you have identified.

Then go into your hosting control panel at your hosting provider, which I assume will be at: subdomain.website.com/~username/cpanel

If your host is using CPanel you will have an option to 'Add-On' a domain.

If your host is not using Cpanel, look through the other options on your hosting account or contact their support to find out where to 'add-on' the domain to your account.

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