Opening a positron emission tomography (PET) DICOM image in MatLab and interpreting the pixel values correctly?



I'm new to processing DICOM images away from their native manufacturer software. I am trying to dicomread a PET image from a set of reconstructed transaxial slices into MatLab. My aim is to do some simple segmentation and finally determine the maximum and minimum pixel value in the segment. However I am having trouble with converting the stored values to their values seen on the native system.

The image is loading into MatLab as an int16 class. The maximum pixel value is always 32767, regardless of which slice I load from the series. I know from viewing the images on their native system that the maximum pixel value in each slice is different.

I've checked the rescale value and rescale intercept values and the rescale relationship appears to be linear. Is there another correction I should be making? I assume all other corrections (e.g. decay, scatter and randoms) are made during the reconstruction process.

Any help would be appreciated (hopefully I'm missing something simple!).I've posted the DICOM info retrieved from the header below (Don't worry, the images are of a phantom so there is no patient identifying data).



                                   Filename: [1x76 char]
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                    PatientGroupLength: 96
                           PatientName: [1x1 struct]
                             PatientID: 'SOLID_TEST'
                      PatientBirthDate: ''
                            PatientSex: ''
                            PatientAge: ''
                           PatientSize: 0
                         PatientWeight: 0
                           EthnicGroup: ''
              AdditionalPatientHistory: ''
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                AcquisitionGroupLength: 230
                        SliceThickness: 3.2700
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                       SoftwareVersion: '41.04'
                          ProtocolName: 'WB 3D'
                           TriggerTime: 0
                             FrameTime: 0
                     IntervalsAcquired: 0
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                ReconstructionDiameter: 700
                    GantryDetectorTilt: 0
                      FieldOfViewShape: 'CYLINDRICAL RING'
                 FieldOfViewDimensions: [2x1 double]
                        CollimatorType: 'NONE'
                   ActualFrameDuration: 180000
                       PatientPosition: 'HFS'
              Private_0019_GroupLength: 42
             Private_0019_10xx_Creator: 'GEMS_PETD_01'
                     Private_0019_1004: '20130207140602'
               RelationshipGroupLength: 322
                      StudyInstanceUID: [1x51 char]
                     SeriesInstanceUID: [1x49 char]
                               StudyID: '6893'
                          SeriesNumber: 401
                        InstanceNumber: 22
                  ImagePositionPatient: [3x1 double]
               ImageOrientationPatient: [6x1 double]
                   FrameOfReferenceUID: [1x59 char]
            PositionReferenceIndicator: 'SN'
                         SliceLocation: 1.8500
          ImagePresentationGroupLength: 218
                       SamplesPerPixel: 1
             PhotometricInterpretation: 'MONOCHROME2'
                                  Rows: 128
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                        CorrectedImage: [1x40 char]
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                   PixelRepresentation: 1
               SmallestImagePixelValue: 0
                LargestImagePixelValue: 32767
                      RescaleIntercept: 0
                          RescaleSlope: 0.3555
                 LossyImageCompression: '00'
                     Unknown_0040_0000: 158
            AcquisitionContextSequence: [1x1 struct]
         NuclearAcquisitionGroupLength: 808
             EnergyWindowRangeSequence: [1x1 struct]
RadiopharmaceuticalInformationSequence: [1x1 struct]
                        NumberOfSlices: 47
                  TypeOfDetectorMotion: 'NONE'
        PatientOrientationCodeSequence: [1x1 struct]
PatientOrientationModifierCodeSequence: [1x1 struct]
 PatientGantryRelationshipCodeSequence: [1x1 struct]
                            SeriesType: 'STATIC\IMAGE'
                                 Units: 'BQML'
                          CountsSource: 'EMISSION'
               RandomsCorrectionMethod: 'SING'
           AttenuationCorrectionMethod: 'measured,, 0.096000 cm-1,'
                       DecayCorrection: 'START'
                  ReconstructionMethod: '3D IR'
           DetectorLinesOfResponseUsed: '0'
               ScatterCorrectionMethod: 'Model Based'
                             AxialMash: [2x1 double]
                        TransverseMash: 2
                CoincidenceWindowWidth: 0
                    FrameReferenceTime: 0
       PrimaryPromptsCountsAccumulated: 0
            SecondaryCountsAccumulated: 0
                SliceSensitivityFactor: 1
                           DecayFactor: 1.0095
                 DoseCalibrationFactor: 1139
                 ScatterFractionFactor: 0.3174
                        DeadTimeFactor: 1.1243
                            ImageIndex: 26
                  PixelDataGroupLength: 32780
도움이 되었습니까?


I work in mammo and have no experience of PET so take what I say here with a pinch of salt.

The maximum pixel value is 32767 which is 2 to the power of 15 minus 1. Is the rescale slope not of importance?

RescaleSlope: 0.3555

Presumably this can vary for each slice and the pixel values should be multiplied by this value (intercept should be added too but this is zero).

다른 팁

Out of the major scanner manufacturers (Siemens, GE, Philips) I have only encountered a slice-by-slice RescaleSlope value when working with GE PET cameras. However, it is always a good idea to check RescaleSlope and RescaleIntercept. The QIBA working group on FDG-PET has a collection of recommendations and also pseudocode for SUV calculations straight from the DICOM data.

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