
I have a LinkedHashMap like so

LinkedHashMap <Integer, ArrayList<Integer>> indexToIndecies = new LinkedHashMap <Integer ,ArrayList<Integer>>();

I have a method public int searchGraph(int baseIndex, int searchIndex, int count)

the point of this search method is; when some one enters baseIndex, which is a key, it has to find how many "clicks" it takes to get to the searchIndex. the values of the keys are the indexes to which they relate. So a "click" would be going from one key to another. So if my hashmap looks like:

1[0, 3]
2[0, 5]
3[0, 2, 4, 5]
6[3, 4, 5]
7[1, 4]

to get from 0 to 5 takes two clicks.

so this is the code I have for my method:

public int searchGraph(int baseIndex, int searchIndex, int count)
    if (baseIndex == searchIndex)

        return count;
    if (searchIndex > indexToIndecies.size()-1){

        return -3;

        for (int i = 0; i < indexToIndecies.get(baseIndex).size(); i++)
            for (int x = 0; x< indexToIndecies.get(baseIndex).size(); x++){

                if (indexToIndecies.get(baseIndex).get(x) == searchIndex){

                    return count;


            baseIndex = (indexToIndecies.get(baseIndex)).get(i);            


        return count;


Works fine If The baseIndex and seachIndex I give it has an association, however if it doesn't I am not sure how to catch that... Any help will be appreciated.

도움이 되었습니까?


Right now you're not accounting for the possibility that there may be multiple paths from the baseIndex to the searchIndex - presumably you want the shortest path if this is the case. One way to correct for this is to replace the nested for loops with a single for loop around a recursive call. Return Integer.MAX_VALUE if a path isn't found, then if your shortest path has a count of Integer.MAX_VALUE then you'll know that you weren't able to find a path. (If you DID find a path with a count of Integer.MAX_VALUE then something probably went wrong with your path-finding algorithm - you shouldn't have paths that are that long.) If you want to use nested loops instead of recursion then you can convert the recursive call into a loop by using your own stack variable.

public int searchGraph(int baseIndex, int searchIndex, int count) {
    if(baseIndex == searchIndex) {
        return count;
    } else if(count > indexToIndecies.size()) {
        return Integer.MAX_VALUE; // cycle in graph
    } else {
        int returnVal = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
        for(int i = 0; i < indexToIndecies.get(baseIndex).size(); i++) {
            int temp = searchGraph(indexToIndecies.get(baseIndex).get(i), searchIndex, count + 1);
            returnVal = temp < returnVal ? temp : returnVal;
        return returnVal;

This should return the shortest path, and if it returns Integer.MAX_VALUE then a path wasn't found.

Another option is to return an Integer instead of an int, in which case you can return a null in the case that you couldn't find a path.

Edit: SimonC pointed out in the comments that a cycle in the graph could cause a stack overflow. I've corrected for this by returning Integer.MAX_VALUE if count exceeds indexToIndecies.size(), since count shouldn't exceed the number of keys in the map.

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