
So I'm creating user accounts in GAE's data store (using Java)...

Entity account = new Entity(DATASTORE_KIND, accountAncestorKey);  
Key accountKey = datastore.put(account);

The entity is created, (eventually), great! Now when is the object's ID available? Might it take "a little while" before I can do getProperty("ID") on the object?

If I need the ID immediately, should I manually allocate 1 ID for myself to use?

I am asking this question because I can run some code tests myself, but that does not conclusively solve the problem of whether the ID is generated "immediately" after the put... and from what I have read, I suspect I should not rely on this.

도움이 되었습니까?


When entity is saved it contains full key and ID is part of key. So it's available immediately when entity is available.

Note that entity ID is not a property on entity (except if you create one yourself). So uou should instead use entity.getKey().getId().

다른 팁

I believe it should be very quick (30-50 ms) and in your case if you are trying to get the entity from the datastore right after storing it, it shouldn't be a problem.

You can use log4j and try to output the time to persist timing to get understanding of how long it would take.


INFO: Time to persist datastore: 38 ms

# A default log4j configuration for log4j users.
# To use this configuration, deploy it into your application's WEB-INF/classes
# directory.  You are also encouraged to edit it as you like.

# Root logger option

# Configure the console as our one appender
log4j.appender.A1.layout.ConversionPattern=%d{HH:mm:ss,SSS} %-5p [%c] - %m%n

# tighten logging on the DataNucleus Categories
log4j.category.DataNucleus.JDO=WARN, A1
log4j.category.DataNucleus.Persistence=WARN, A1
log4j.category.DataNucleus.Cache=WARN, A1
log4j.category.DataNucleus.MetaData=WARN, A1
log4j.category.DataNucleus.General=WARN, A1
log4j.category.DataNucleus.Utility=WARN, A1
log4j.category.DataNucleus.Transaction=WARN, A1
log4j.category.DataNucleus.Datastore=WARN, A1
log4j.category.DataNucleus.ClassLoading=WARN, A1
log4j.category.DataNucleus.Plugin=WARN, A1
log4j.category.DataNucleus.ValueGeneration=WARN, A1
log4j.category.DataNucleus.Enhancer=WARN, A1
log4j.category.DataNucleus.SchemaTool=WARN, A1
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