
I can't seem to get the Open Panel's New Document button to work. Currently I am just using the default application provided Open Panel (iCloud enabled OS X app) which has a New Document button at bottom left of the window.

However I just get a system beep when I click on it, I would expect this button would do the same as File->New menu option but it does nothing other than beep.

How can I either enable this button to simply create a new blank file or remove it altogether.

도움이 되었습니까?


Finally I figured it out.

It seems the New Document button is somehow hardware to the CMD+N keystrokes. I had reassigned CMD+N to apply Normal style to text and this breaks the New Document button.

Seems odd that the button is not wired to newDocument method on First Responder rather than to a keystroke combination.

EDIT I logged a Bug ID# 14886108 and it seems it may be fixed in Mavericks

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