
I am using jetty "7.6.8.v20121106" as a part of https://github.com/ring-clojure/ring/tree/master/ring-jetty-adapter with my server.

I am making calls using http://http-kit.org/ with following code. Essentially I am making server calls but ignoring the response. What I am finding is that all the server threads become blocked/deadlocked after that. This seems like a really easy way to bring to server down and wanted to understand what is going on here.

Code from client is:

(require '[org.httpkit.client :as hk-client])

 (defn hget [id]
   (hk-client/get (str "http://localhost:5000/v1/pubapis/auth/ping?ping=" id)))

(doall (map hget (take 100 (range))))) ; Gives problem
(doall (map deref (map hget (take 100 (range)))))) ; Doesn't give problem

Thread status Threads blocked at


and deadlocked at


Would really appreciate if someone can help with what is going on over here.

도움이 되었습니까?


Finally found what the problem was. Took lot of digging through and starting with a sample project to find this. When I started learning clojure and copied the following from somewhere for logging:

(defn log [msg & vals]
  (let [line (apply format msg vals)]
    (locking System/out (println line))))

The line locking over there was causing dead lock in some situation. Do not know enough about concurrency to solve this. Will create a separate question for that.

Removing this line fixes the problem.

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