
I just have a simple question: has anyone tried deploying a HTML5 game built on Crafty Game Engine (CraftyJS earlier) into a CocoonJS container?

If so, what is your experience? How does it perform? Any issues?

도움이 되었습니까?


I'm making an usable port and it works great! I'm updating my advances in https://groups.google.com/forum/m/#!topic/craftyjs/2Ftv0kYGbXg where I'm posting my prototypes. I think in 1 or 2 weeks I will finish this crafty version.

Of course, Crafty won't work out of the box in CocoonJS for now (at least the official version). But after I finish, the cocoon enabled craftyjs will be available for anyone to download and test, and maybe I can get starwed's attention to make an integrated version.

My experience with the hacked port: The performance is great! CraftyJS is so low level, it's almost like common JS anyway, so no speed concerns around that if you know what your'e doing. I think some work has to be done in the multi touch support though.

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