
I am building an app using the tablesorter plug-in and it's pager plug-in. Things work perfectly fine in Firefox and IE, but in Safari (4.0.4 on a PC) and Chrome () I get errors when it hits the following code that binds the tablesorter pager. I took the pager binding out and it worked, so something is going wrong somewhere in those three lines of code.

var tableSel = calendarportlet.ut.createIdSelector(calendarportlet.addNamespace("eventListTable"));
var pagerSel = calendarportlet.ut.createIdSelector(calendarportlet.addNamespace("pager"));
widthFixed: true,
headers: { 0: {sorter: false} },
widgets: ['zebra']
}).tablesorterPager({ <-- error happens in here
container: jQuery(pagerSel),
positionFixed: false

Also, the errors only happen in Safari and Chrome when prototype.js is loaded AFTER jQuery. If they are loaded before jQuery, it works fine. However, this is a portlet and it has to play nice with other portlets, so we don't want to modify the header and loading order of the js libs. Anyone have any ideas on how to fix this?

도움이 되었습니까?


I upgraded Prototype and now everything works. I now get a "$ is not a function" error in Firebug, but everything seems to work ok.

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