
I have been debugging this for some time but even though I knew what to do, I don't know what kind of code to put

this is the error message that I always recieve

Assets/scripts/JavaScripts/PerformanceTweak.js(220,32): BCE0051: Operator '<' cannot be used with a left hand side of type 'Object' and a right hand side of type 'float'.

Although I know that i need to convert the object to float, I am having hard time coding for it. while this is the code I have.

var fpsCounter : FPSCounter;
var terrain : Terrain;
var messageTime = 10.0;
var scrollTime = 0.7;

private var messages = new Array();
private var times = new Array();
private var lastTime = 0.0;
private var doneNotes = false;
private var origDetailDist = 0.0;
private var origSplatDist = 0.0;
private var origTreeDist = 0.0;
private var origMaxLOD = 0;
private var softVegetationOff = false;
private var splatmapsOff = false;

private var lowFPS = 15.0;
private var highFPS = 35.0;

private var skipChangesTimeout = 1.0;
private var nextTerrainChange = 0;

function Start()
    if( !fpsCounter || !terrain ) {
       Debug.LogWarning("Some of performance objects are not set up");
       enabled = false;

    origDetailDist = terrain.detailObjectDistance;
    origSplatDist = terrain.basemapDistance;
    origTreeDist = terrain.treeDistance;
    origMaxLOD = terrain.heightmapMaximumLOD;
    skipChangesTimeout = 0.0;

    var distances : float[] = new float[32];
    distances[16] = Camera.main.farClipPlane;
    Camera.main.layerCullDistances = distances;

function Update ()
    if( !fpsCounter || !terrain )

    if( !doneNotes && !Application.isEditor )
       var gfxCard = SystemInfo.graphicsDeviceName.ToLower();
       var gfxVendor = SystemInfo.graphicsDeviceVendor.ToLower();
       if( gfxVendor.Contains("intel") )
         // on pre-GMA950, increase fog and reduce far plane by 4x :)
         softVegetationOff = true;
         QualitySettings.softVegetation = false;
         AddMessage( "Note: turning off soft vegetation (Intel video card detected)" );
       else if( gfxVendor == "sis" )
         softVegetationOff = true;
         QualitySettings.softVegetation = false;
         AddMessage( "Note: turning off soft vegetation (SIS video card detected)" );
       else if( gfxCard.Contains("geforce") && (gfxCard.Contains("5200") || gfxCard.Contains("5500") || gfxCard.Contains("6100")) )
         // on slow/old geforce cards, increase fog and reduce far plane by 2x
         ReduceDrawDistance( 2.0, "Note: reducing draw distance (slow GeForce card detected)" );

         softVegetationOff = true;
         QualitySettings.softVegetation = false;
         AddMessage( "Note: turning off soft vegetation (slow GeForce card detected)" );
         // on other old cards, increase fog and reduce far plane by 2x
//       if( hwWater == IslandWater.WaterMode.Simple )
//       {
//          ReduceDrawDistance( 2.0, "Note: reducing draw distance (old video card detected)" );
//       }

       skipChangesTimeout = 0.0;
       doneNotes = true;



function ReduceDrawDistance( factor : float, message : String )
    AddMessage( message );
//  RenderSettings.fogDensity *= factor;
//  Camera.main.farClipPlane /= factor;
    var distances : float[] = Camera.main.layerCullDistances;
    for(var i : int = 0; i < distances.Length; i++)
       distances[i] /= factor;
    Camera.main.layerCullDistances = distances;

function OnDisable()
    QualitySettings.softVegetation = true;

function DoTweaks()
    if( !fpsCounter.HasFPS() )
       return; // enough time did not pass yet to get decent FPS count

    var fps : float  = fpsCounter.GetFPS();

    // don't do too many adjustments at time... allow one per
    // FPS update interval
    skipChangesTimeout -= Time.deltaTime;
    if( skipChangesTimeout < 0.0 )
       skipChangesTimeout = 0.0;
    if( skipChangesTimeout > 0.0 )

    // terrain tweaks
    if( fps > 25.0 )
       // bump up!
       if( nextTerrainChange >= 4 )
         nextTerrainChange = 0;

       if( nextTerrainChange == 0 && terrain.detailObjectDistance < origDetailDist )
         terrain.detailObjectDistance *= 2.0;
         if( !softVegetationOff )
          QualitySettings.softVegetation = true;
         AddMessage( "Framerate ok, increasing vegetation detail" );
       if( nextTerrainChange == 1 && !splatmapsOff && terrain.basemapDistance < origSplatDist )
         terrain.basemapDistance *= 2.0;
         AddMessage( "Framerate ok, increasing terrain texture detail" );
       if( nextTerrainChange == 2 && terrain.treeDistance < origTreeDist )
         terrain.treeDistance *= 2.0;
         AddMessage( "Framerate ok, increasing tree draw distance" );
    if( fps < lowFPS )
       // lower it
       if( nextTerrainChange >= 4 ) {
         nextTerrainChange = 0;
         lowFPS = 10.0; // ok, this won't be fast...

       if( nextTerrainChange == 0 && terrain.detailObjectDistance >= origDetailDist / 16.0 ) {
         terrain.detailObjectDistance *= 0.5;
         QualitySettings.softVegetation = false;
         AddMessage( "Framerate low, reducing vegetation detail" );
       if( nextTerrainChange == 1 && !splatmapsOff && terrain.basemapDistance >= origSplatDist / 16.0 )
         terrain.basemapDistance *= 0.5;
         AddMessage( "Framerate low, reducing terrain texture detail" );
       if( nextTerrainChange == 2 && terrain.treeDistance >= origTreeDist / 16.0 )
         terrain.treeDistance *= 0.5;
         AddMessage( "Framerate low, reducing tree draw distance" );
    if(fps < 20)
       if(QualitySettings.currentLevel > QualityLevel.Fastest)
    else if(fps > highFPS)
       if(QualitySettings.currentLevel < QualityLevel.Fantastic)

    if(QualitySettings.currentLevel < QualityLevel.Good)
       var sh : Shader = Shader.Find("VertexLit");
       var bumpedObjects : GameObject[] = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Bumped");
       for(var i : int = 0; i < bumpedObjects.length; i++)
         bumpedObjects[i].renderer.material.shader = sh;

function AddMessage( t : String )
    messages.Add( t );
    times.Add( messageTime );
    lastTime = scrollTime;
    skipChangesTimeout = fpsCounter.updateInterval * 3.0;

function UpdateMessages()
    var dt = Time.deltaTime;
    for( var t in times )
       parseFloat -= dt;

    var example = times.length;

    var exam = times[0];
    while( example > 0 && exam < 0.0 ) {
    lastTime -= dt;
    if( lastTime < 0.0 )
       lastTime = 0.0;

function OnGUI()
    var height = 15;
    var n : int = messages.length;
    var rc = Rect( 2, Screen.height - 2 - n * height + (lastTime/scrollTime*height), 600, 20 );
    for( var i = 0; i < n; ++i )
       var text : String = messages[i];
       var time : float = times[i];
       var alpha = time / messageTime;
       if( alpha < 0.2 )
         GUI.color.a = alpha / 0.2;
       else if( alpha > 0.9 )
         GUI.color.a = 1.0 - (alpha-0.9) / (1-0.9);
         GUI.color.a = 1.0;

       GUI.Label( rc, text );
       rc.y += height;

can you guys please help me?

도움이 되었습니까?


This is one of the bigger gotchas in Unity development: UnityScript on PC supports dynamic typing, but UnityScript on mobile does not.

When you declare an Array(), everything you push or pop from the array is going to be cast as an Object. There's no < operator defined to compare Object and float. With dynamic typing enabled, the script engine will see that your variable is actually a float and proceed comparing it as such; with static typing, you'll have to cast it.

In some circumstances, UnityScript can infer a variable's type at declaration. In others, you're better off declaring the type yourself.

Google around a bit about Unity and developing with #pragma strict to learn more about this.

For now, you should be able to proceed if you give your variable an explicit type:

//line 218
var exam : float = times[0];
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