Extracting part of XMLType in PL/SQL because of repeating node inside another repeating mode

StackOverflow https://stackoverflow.com/questions/18445170


I have a XMLType object and I want to extract opening times into table.


I would use something like:

SELECT ExtractValue(Value(p),'workspace/item/day/text()') as day
      ,ExtractValue(Value(p),'workspace/item/openingTime/text()') as open
      ,ExtractValue(Value(p),'workspace/item/closingTime/text()') as close
      FROM TABLE (XMLSequence(Extract(y,'workspace'))) p
      WHERE ExtractValue(Value(p),'/workspace/title/text()') LIKE 'workspace1';

where y is XMLType above. But that won't work, because it will still find more than one item node. I need to extract ALL element values for title workspace2 (values 1, 9:00, 14:00, 3, 12:00, 16:00). It would help if I could extract not only value, but whole part of XMLType. Any ideas?
Thanks, Michal

도움이 되었습니까?

해결책 2

With some @ThinkJet tricks your query may look like this

with x as (
  ') xfield
  from dual
SELECT "day", "openingTime", "closingTime"
FROM xmltable('$doc//workspace[title=$workspace_filter]/item'
              passing (select xfield from x) as "doc",
                      ('workspace1') as "workspace_filter"
               columns "openingTime" path '//openingTime',
                       "closingTime" path '//closingTime',
                       "day" path '//day')

다른 팁

Your target may be achieved by using XMLTable :

with x as ( -- Just to introduce XML parameter
  ') xfield
  from dual
  workspace, day, opening_time, closing_time
     for $i in $doc//workspace[title eq $workspace_filter]
     for $j in $i/item 
    (select xfield from x) as "doc",
    ('workspace1')         as "workspace_filter"
   workspace     varchar2(100) path '//wks_name',
   day           varchar2(100) path '//day',
   opening_time  varchar2(100) path '//openingTime',
   closing_time  varchar2(100) path '//closingTime'

SQLFiddle Example

Note that I introduced <workspace_list> top element and added slash for closing <workspace> elements to make XML valid.

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