How to pass parameters to a view that was previously shown in Flex Mobile Project (I cannot use pushView)



I have a Flex Mobile Project that I am working on. I am trying to pass parameters from one view to another. The only problem is that I cannot use navigator.pushView to push the View and the parameter as the view I am pushing to was the previous view. So this wipes out using the addHandler() and the returnObjectsCreated() as I cannot use pushView. I am having to use popView because it is my previous view that I have to pass parameters too. Any help would be appreciated.

That class that has the parameters I need to pass is below. It is a view that shows a list. So I need to pass list.selectedItem to the popview or previous view...

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<amec:BaseBrowseView xmlns:fx="" 
              title="Select an item">

        import com.amec.BaseSql;

        import mx.collections.ArrayCollection;


        [Bindable]private var resultArr:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection();

        protected function myList_changeHandler(event:IndexChangeEvent):void 


            //Either send a ref to the last view or override createReturn


        private function get myData():ArrayCollection



<s:List id="list"         
        height="100%" width="100%" 

    <!-- Place non-visual elements (e.g., services, value objects) here -->

Now below is the previous view that I want to popView to that I need to pass parameters to so I can populate the TextInput with.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<amec:BaseControl xmlns:fx="" 


        protected var textValue:String;

        protected function control_creationCompleteHandler(event:FlexEvent):void
            // todo: get control data from


        protected function control_clickHandler(event:MouseEvent):void




<s:Label text="Robert says something meaningful goes here" />

<s:TextInput id="ns" text="{textValue}" editable="false" click="control_clickHandler(event)"/>

    <!-- Place non-visual elements (e.g., services, value objects) here -->

Again I cannot use pushView as the view is already on the stack.

도움이 되었습니까?

해결책 2

I looked at using static variables but that was a little messy, I also looked at using Dependency Injection but spending a few hours to set up the framework and get it running is to costly when all I am doing is passing parameters on a popView, so what I came up with is the similar approach I have used when doing Native Android Apps with the Android SDK. A Singleton with getters and setters. Basically the way I have been able to do this is with the use of a Singleton sharedInstance. See code below:

package com.controls.Text
    import flash.utils.Dictionary;

    public class ParameterManager
        private static var instance:ParameterManager = new ParameterManager();
        private var dictionary:Dictionary=new Dictionary(); 

        public function ParameterManager( )
        if (instance != null) { throw new Error('Must use ParameterManager.getInstance().') }

        public static function getInstance(): ParameterManager {
            return instance;

        public function setParameter(key:*, value:*):void

        public function getParameter(key:*):*
            return dictionary[key];

The method setting the value of the parameter:

        protected function myList_changeHandler(event:IndexChangeEvent):void 
            var listViewReturnObject:String = new String();
            listViewReturnObject = list.selectedItem.DMV_VALUE_1;
            ParameterManager.getInstance().setParameter("selectedItem", listViewReturnObject);


The method getting the value:

        protected function control_creationCompleteHandler(event:FlexEvent):void
            var listViewReturnObject:Object = new Object();

            listViewReturnObject= ParameterManager.getInstance().getParameter("selectedItem");
            if (listViewReturnObject != null)
                dataTxt.text= String(listViewReturnObject);
                ParameterManager.getInstance().setParameter("", null); //Make sure objects are cleared when done.

다른 팁

In case you want to do it the right way, on the previous view (the one you want the result going to, add an eventListener for 'add'.

protected function addHandler(event:FlexEvent) : void {
if (navigator.poppedViewReturnedObject != null) {
                var returnedObject : Array = navigator.poppedViewReturnedObject.object as Array;
                if(!returnedObject) return;
                yourData= new ArrayCollection(returnedObject);


On the view that you are going to pass the object from:

override public function createReturnObject():Object {
            var returnedObject : Object = new Object();
            returnedObject = dataYouWantToSendBack;
            return returnedObject;
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