
I am working on an Ember.js - based platform, where I use nicEdit. Here is my code

RichHTMLView = Ember.TextArea.extend({
    id: null,
    editor: null,
    didInsertElement: function(){
        var view = this;

        view.id = this.get("elementId");

        view.editor = new nicEditor({
                buttonList : ['bold','italic','underline','right','center','justify', 'link', 'ul', 'ol']

        //When the editor looses focus the content of the editor is passed to descr

        //So the editor looks nice
    getViewContent: function(){
        var view = this,
            inlineEditor = view.editor.instanceById(view.id);
        return inlineEditor.getContent();
    willClearRender: function(){
        var view = this;


So this works nicely as long as I am on the page which hosts the view, but if I transition to another route, the view has some leftovers, namely the editor is destroyed, but I assume that nicEdit keeps track of event bindings, so I end up with the blur event being bound to editor, which is undefined in the new context, as the view does not exist.

My best guess is that I need to somehow unbind the editor in the willClearRender, but I don't know how.

도움이 되었습니까?


as I got no reply and nicEdit is abandoned I made some changes to the source-code in order to deal with this issue by adding removeEvent to bkEvent:

removeEvent: function(A, B){

if (B){
    this.eventList = this.eventList || {};
    this.eventList[A] = this.eventList[A] || [];

Then I can remove the event in willClearRender:


Be aware that I've not tested it with multiple editors, as my needs do not require, but if you have multiple editors with the same callback the behavior is not defined.

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