
I have a Clips Controller where:

def set_clip
  @clip = Clip.find(params[:id])

My Clip has a :title attribute which users can set when creating.

I'm trying to achieve that in the URL the clip will be shown as:


Plus, i need to get gsub involved so those ugly %20 wont show up on every Space

Can anybody enlighten me on this ?

I'm Searching for a Solution without FriendlyID

도움이 되었습니까?


Assuming the /1/ is the ID of the record, having the :title as an extra in the url is redundent.

A similar (and simple) method of achieving the same result is to define to_param on the model:

def to_param

this would then give you a url in the form of "clip/1-title", which will work fine with the active record find(param[:id]) method

Addionally, a safer param string would be to parameterize the title with:

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