
My application uses self-hosting feature of ASP.NET Web API. NuGet package name I use is Microsoft.AspNet.WebApi.SelfHost. I used following example as a base.

Following code works for me to launch host on ipv4 localhost endpoint:


What do I enter if I want to specify ipv6 address? "http://[::1]:43666" does not work. Exception thrown is [reformatted]:

System.Net.HttpListenerException: The network location cannot be reached. For information
   ..about network troubleshooting, see Windows Help
at System.Net.HttpListener.AddAllPrefixes()
at System.Net.HttpListener.Start()
at Microsoft.Owin.Host.HttpListener.OwinHttpListener.Start(HttpListener listener, 
   ..Func`2 appFunc, IList`1 addresses, IDictionary`2 capabilities, Func`2 loggerFactory)
at Microsoft.Owin.Host.HttpListener.OwinServerFactory.Create(Func`2 app, 
   ..IDictionary`2 properties)

Judging by my inspection of code in reflector, the HttpAddUrlToUrlGroup function returned error code 1232

도움이 되었습니까?


I did not find a solution, however following is a workaround, although it will start server on all addresses, including non-local and ipv4:


Since this question didn't generate any interest I'm closing it

다른 팁

had the same problem and it seemed to be the Account under which the service was running. Need to make sure it's running under NetworkService - both localhost and other variations of URLs should work then :)

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