
I tried <p:commandButton> as shown above, it works correctly.

<p:spinner id="spinnerQte" min="1" value="#{newOpProgramme.quantite}"/>     
<p:commandButton id="AjoutEquip" value="Ajouter" actionListener="#{newOpProgramme.addEquipement()}" update="spinnerQte"/>

But, when I tried ti nest this in my global page inside layout, panel, panel-Grid and field-Set, addEquipement() method is not called !

also, thee some fields which have required attribute set to true, I think this is why addEquipement() method isn't called.

Have you an Idea how to fix the problem.

thank you

도움이 되었습니까?


I fixed the problem by adding process attribute to <p:commandButton> set to @this.

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