
I am fetching '$' symbol from uri. And I have already added $ in permitted_uri_chars in config file. Later I am fetching data from database using that uri string. issue can be seen from below example.

MY Url is like this ....


My Example code is this ...

echo $this->uri->segment('3');
echo "<br>";
echo "<br>";
$dol_sign = '$';
echo $dol_sign;
echo "<br>";

MY Output of above code is this ...

string(5) "$"
string(1) "$" 

it is taking segment as differently. that is why i m having issue in fetching data from DB matching with URI segment.

도움이 되었습니까?


Your first sign is an HTML encoded entity - if you see the source of the page you'll see &amp; instead of a simple &.

You can use the PHP html_entity_decode() function to decode it into the normal character, or test against it.

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